Family Finds Tiny Kitten Stuck Inside Auxiliary Vent After Hearing Meows from Inside the Walls, Rescue Him and Name Him ‘Murphy’


If you have ever lived anywhere with stray cats, then you know that mama cats will have their kittens literally anywhere. Oh, the engine to your car is still warm from when you last used it? Purrfect! It'll keep the kittens warm. Oh, this very small vent will make it very difficult for any sort of enemies to attack, let's have kittens in there! That's cat logic, we suppose. 

It can be very dangerous and end in humans having to come to the rescue. Recently, a family posted on TikTok how the “cat distribution system” chose them with a kitten stuck in their auxiliary vent. They actually knew that a local stray feral cat had recently given birth under their deck and they had been feeding her and her kittens. They thought that there were just two kittens, but then they heard a loud meowing that almost sounded like it was inside. They thought the cats were probably just directly under their deck and the mama cat had it handled. However, after a few days they did see the mama cat and kittens any where, but still heard a single kitten meowing

They did a little snooping, and heard loud meowing coming from the walls in their basement. The eventually happened about a fire place that they have never used and figured out that the meowing was coming from the vent connected to that. So they did what any animal lover would do, the cut a hole in their wall and cut open the vent to free the sweet little baby!

The smol itty bitty kitten has since been seen by the vet, registered, cleaned, and fed! They named him Murphy in honor of a fallen lieutenant since they found the fur ball during Memorial Day Weekend. They haven't revealed yet if they are 100% going to adopt him, since they have to make sure their currently family cat gets along with him, but it's obvious the family is in love with this kitten. See for yourself below along with the full story! 

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Vent Rescue

Murphy Update



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