Zillennial Submarine Co-Pilot Goes Viral for Sharing Her Day-to-Day Life Working Under the Ocean Waves in Hawaii


Have you ever been on a submarine? Have you ever even seen one in real life? Submarines seem more like toys kids play with or extremely dangerous naval machinery and nothing in between. However, that is just not true. Submarines might also be those things, but they are also used for more “in between” gigs like oceanography and tourism. That's right, some areas that are popular for their marine life offer tours in submarines. One place that is an obvious go-to for exploring ocean life is Hawaii! 

Hawaii is famously beautiful both on land and in the ocean, so tourism is a huge part of their economy. Brittany Nash, a zillennial on TikTok recently posted about her job as a submarine co-pilot for a tour group and instantly went viral. It's interesting not only for the content she posts of her day-to-day life under the ocean waves, but also getting a peak into that sort of career. 

“Not your regular 9-5”


In the video you can hear Nash simply gushing over all the amazing encounters she has while working on a submarine. Sure, it's not those huge kinds of submarines you see in Hollywood war films, it's a small one equipped simply for tours. But the sites she encounters on a daily basis is simply beautiful. Many of the things she gets to experience as a submarine co-pilot are once in a life time opportunities. And she's still so young and ready to learn more and more about her new career under the sea. 


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