When millennials were teenagers getting punished for whatever dumb teenage thing we used to do (buy a .99cent thong from Wet Seal without telling your parents? Going on the internet while your mom was on the phone?? Maybe stealing off the top of all your parents' liquor bottles to create one disgusting bottle of booze you'd share between you and 10 of your friends???) we would also get our phones taken away from us. So we know the struggle. Not to play the who-had-it-harder game here, but when we got our phone and internet taken away from us, we really did have no way of communicating with our friends. Only in-person at school could we get the tea. We knew it was rough for a teenager to be isolated like that. So now that millennials are taking on the roles of parenting, we know not to be so harsh. Instead, some of us are turning to punishing our kid with something that used to bring us joy when we were kids.
Sounds sad, but it's actually pretty hilarious. One aunty took on the challenge of figuring out the perfect way to discipline her Gen Z niece for continuously getting bad grades. Her idea? Give the 15-year-old a flip phone. Now, when millennials were 15 we thrived off of flip phones. But this Gen Z teen is not happy.
In the video you can see her tapping at the phone while it's closed and the aunt had to tell her several times that it has no touch screen. She also added that she will have minutes. MINUTES?! God, remember minutes? You couldn't talk or text until after 9pm when it was free or else you'd lose minutes. This poor Gen Z has to use her money from doing chores to pay for more minutes. Honestly, now we're actually starting to feel bad for the girl… See it for yourself below!
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