One of the weirdest things about ending a relationship is how much you now know about a person who is no longer an integral part of your life. Assuming you knew them pretty well, it gives you an intel file in your head that 99% of those they meet will never find out about.
For those with more unfortunate love lives, this can be pretty juicy — as proven by a truly eye-popping r/AskWomen thread. Requesting that women spill the most embarrassing secrets they had about their exes, they did not hold back. The fact that all of these individuals were deemed dateable is nothing short of terrifying.
From secret jerk behavior to many, many examples of men just being plain gross, it's enough to make single people want to live in a cave for the rest of their lives. Reading these responses, I feel blessed that my own previous partners have been normal in comparison. I'm kind of annoyed that I don't have better dirt on the worst ones, though.