What is it with sociopathic managers who think they literally own their employees? When u/Sf49ers1680 and his wife requested some time off from work so that they could, you know, live their lives, OP's wife's boss decided to withdraw the vacation approval days after the couple bought non-refundable tickets for the trip. All because the boss decided the Halloween retail season was just too important to miss. Pathetic. Keep scrolling for the infuriating story.
“Give them an inch and they will take a mile. You made the right move.” said u/mopeyy.
"Last time that happened to me I told my boss “You approved it last week, I already bought the tickets and reserved a car. I'm going. If I have a job when I get back, that's up to you.” said u/SXTY82.
“This. Also, it sets the precedence for future ‘time off’ requests. 'It's a yes now. But as you clearly already know, it's at our discretion to cancel it at a later date, if need be.' Nobody should feel like their approved time off is a ‘maybe.’” said u/eyeamboard.
“This is a lesson for all of us.” said u/Duke-Guinea-Pig.
“Everything on paper. Don't talk to your landlord or tenant on the phone. If it involves money get it on paper.” said u/BJaysRock.
“You don’t have to ask. You just tell. ‘Here are the days I’ll be unavailable.’” said u/Pointless_Lawndarts.