When you've been stuck in the interview process for too long, it starts to get exhausting. Slapping a new smile on everyday, answering the same 3 questions, and thinking of how to spin your greatest weaknesses into positive, work-related gibberish feels futile. Sorry Patricia, my greatest weakness is not my overly strong work ethic… my weakness is an entire box of Little Debbie Shortcake Rolls. After a while, it's irresistible to throw a little spice into an interview just to shake things up and see how it goes. In this case, one man had grown tired with the dull interviewing process and in order to satiate the ravenous appetite of a recruiter, he reluctantly agreed to do an interview with a company he didn't care for.
Because of his blasé approach, OP found himself in a bit of a pickle, lackadaisically wandering into an employment trap and turning a simple question into lecture. Scroll for the full story of how one man showed his true colors to an interviewer after they asked him the driest, most boring question out there: "Why do you want this job?" …Cue the snarky, brutally honest response. After this, check out this story of a guy whose witty cleverness was actually rewarded when he used sarcasm to get out of an exorbitant hospital bill.
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