You have clothed, fed, and kept your children safe—that already deserves more than a pat on the back. Throw yourself a (quiet) party while your kids a snoozing. Pour yourself a hefty glass of wine, chug a beer, eat all the snacks. Whatever! It doesn't even matter if you put two different shoes on them or gave them a bag of Cheetos for dinner. These things happen and honestly, good for you for being able to adapt and apply during those difficult times. They won't always throw a fit for Cheetos, but today they did and you were at your wit's end. So Cheetos it is! Other days you will come out victorious and have them eating their veggies! Parenthood is the most unpredictable job every to have exist, so you gotta just go with the flow and enjoy yourself. Take some memes in while you're at it! I know my folks are always happy when I send them some memes, you can see for yourself here.