If you clicked on this article, you were probably an Ancient Egypt stan as a child. Everybody knows that classic Egyptology kids book that got an entire generation hooked on this one facet of ancient history, and I'm willing to bet that you were a part of that generation. Some children preferred the histories of the Romans or the Greeks (my personal ancient historical fixation was on Pompeii), but if you were an Egypt kid, you were definitely the alpha.
Even though I wasn't an avid consumer of Ancient Egyptian history facts, I was fascinated by King Tut. This was partially fueled by the Steve Martin Saturday Night Live sketch and equally fueled by the fact that local museums had a new King Tut exhibit literally every year in the 2000s, as they had for decades before. If you were an actual Egypt fan and not a fake one like me who only cared about the most famous mummy, these Ancient Egypt memes will be a perfect fit.