I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

The Best Advice For First-Time Cat Owners Straight From The Most Experienced Cat Parents On The Internet

  • 1

    "Treat them with respect, give them their space, and they'll love you forever."

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  • 2

    "Get a bonded pair. They are very social creatures and will always have one another to be with."

  • 3

    "Don't have any expectations - they are all as individual as humans. They often have issues that are hard to resolve and can get stressed really easily. But they are so worth it xo"

  • 4

    "Learn their boundaries..."


    "Learn their boundaries. Cats have boundaries and will enforce them. Getting familiar with body language helps... they can and will communicate with you, but you have to make the effort to understand. This will go a long way in building respect and comfort between you. And the more comfortable the cats are with you, the more love they'll give, in their own way."

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  • 5

    "Remember they aren't dogs..."


    "Remember they aren't dogs. Do not overwhelm a cat...They don't want you all over them, getting in their faces, forcing them on your lap, picking them up. They do everything on their own terms. Let them come to you."

  • 6

    "Keep your cat indoors, especially if you live somewhere with predators."

  • 7

    "...Turns out it was dreaming..."


    "I'll always remember how scared my non-cat owning friend was when the pet she was taking care of appeared to be having a fit one way. Scared the life out of her! She ran home to get her husband, and when they went back the cat was sitting there grooming himself. Turns out it was dreaming. Poor thing. So yeah, that's a thing. But most of all, every cat is different, every personality is different, so enjoy them. Love their quirks, relish every head bump and hair ball. Enjoy them. Always."

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  • 8

    "Get a bonded pair , they will be great companions, with you and each other"

  • 9

    "Invest in corrugated cardboard scratching boards! Neither of my boys scratch furniture because I have those boards available throughout the house and they know what to expect."

  • 10

    "Patience. A cat will accept you and your home in its own time. You can’t force or rush it. Just be kind, loving, and patient, and in time, things will work out."

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  • 11

    "Get the Churro treats! All my babies love them!"

  • 12

    "PATIENCE AND LOVE! Don’t smother them but don’t ignore them. Is that more than one? I’ve got LOTS MORE advice but #1 is patience. Just like with your kids, only more!"

  • 13

    "Appreciate every moment"

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  • 14

    "You don’t own them they own you"

  • 15

    "Please remember that even though throughput all the years domesticated, they will always have wild instincts. So you must Cat Proof your home Forever! It’s worth it and so much more!!"



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