Being in your early twenties can be really rotten. You might be young and beautiful, but you have no idea what you're supposed to be doing. Going from high school and college, where you're constantly told what to do, to having no guidance can be a very jarring transition. There's a reason people say that 23 is the worst year of life; it's the first time many of us have to raw dog existence.
People have a lot of advice to give people in their early twenties, and I, for one, appreciate it. Some of it is simple, like opening a 401K, taking care of your aging body, and avoiding going into credit card debt at all costs. Those nuggets of truth can only guide you so much, and sometimes you need some life-altering advice to guide you through this unstable chapter. Twitter users over 26 decided to give advice to those in their early twenties, and I'm definitely going to be taking some of it.