Acting like a ruthless cutthroat certainly has its advantages. Unencumbered by the usual social requirements like empathy, mutualism, and reciprocation, you're free to make some agile and dastardly moves with your career—politically and socially. Still, the only friends you'll make will be "yes men" and sycophants, who are really only there to ride your coattails and feed off your scorched-earth rampage to the top, hanging around begging for scraps like a dog at the dinner table.
When the house of cards eventually topples, these followers will be of no help, and instead of sticking around to defend you, they'll scatter and high tail it for the hills while the wolves prowl and vultures begin to circle, looking to settle a score with you for the wrongs you've committed against them.
It pays to be good or at least kind to those on the way up… because you never know who you'll see again on the way back down—and just one of those people, with the right opportunity, could end your whole career.
This developer shared how she managed to get back at her incompetent boss, who had fired her from a previous job, ending his prospects in the local tech industry. See her story below as shared with a popular online revenge community.
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