I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Snow White Weasel for the Monday

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    Goofing-off Snow White Weasel

    Goofy looking snow white weasel as he runs across melting snows, and gasps in surprise as he almost flips in his stride.

    This is an Ermine, a snow white weasel that loves the snow.

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  • 2

    OH, Hi little fella!

    Cute Snow White Weasel GIF IN THE SNOW ERMINE

    Cute short GIF of an Ermine, that is what these are called.

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    Is that Pokemon or an Animal?

    Tunnel shot of a snow white weasel in the whitest part of winter against greenish brown background.

    Snow white weasel hiding off in the distance. 

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    Ok, that totally looks like a Pokemon

    Ermine looks like a Pokemon Character with many features overlapping.

    It's whole body language and demeanor in this photo really makes this Ermine look like a lost Pokemon character.

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    Almost Looks Like A Stuffed doll

    Very cute baby Snow White Weasel playing curiously in the snow.
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    Well That Just Looks Like A Toy

    Fluffy little critter that totally looks like a toy, is actually a live animal called a Snow White Weasel or an Ermine.

    Not a toy. That is a Snow White Weasel, curiously looking at the camera.

  • 7

    Uh, Excuse Me? Which Way To The Weasel Convention?

    Snow white weasel (ermine) photo taken by Cindy Herzog, near Ennis Lake, Montana - with a slight dark spot on his tail.

    Great photo of a polite looking Snow White Weasel (Ermine), very slightly leaning forward, further adding to the politeness element.

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    Ermine, do you mind?

    GIF of an ermine, AKA snow white weasel, sniffing the camera

    Cute GIF of an ermine sniff checking the camera.

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    Ok, Bye

    Baby snow white weasel in the winter.

    Snow White Weasel is ready to see you later, alligator.


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