I love riding the bus. I know that's a controversial opinion, especially in NYC, where the subway system is objectively more reliable in every conceivable way. However, when I go to my friend's houses that are only a couple of subway stops away from me, the bus is 100% the better transit option. It's cleaner, usually less crowded, and a reachable person is manning the operation if anything goes awry. Not to mention, you get to choose exactly where you get off, and it's nice to look out the window and see where you are.
When I first moved to NYC, I was nervous about what lay ahead. But I swear to god, once I rode the bus to a Chase Bank and realized that the bus system is the same here as in every other city, I felt like I could conquer whatever the future held. If you ride the bus and want to find some humor in the experience, these bus memes will go round and round all day long.