It's pretty wild that some people still essentially think that women belong in the kitchen. In u/hatethistradition's case, her in-laws managed to mask their outdated opinions about gender roles until after she got married. Up until that blessed day, OP was always treated as a guest in her partner's mother's home. Once they tied the knot, however, her new MIL and SIL fully expected her to join them to cook all day in the kitchen while the men relaxed with each other. They knew OP hated cooking, and when she offered to help in literally any other way besides cooking, they shamed her in front of everyone and claimed her husband was being 'spineless' for standing up for her. In-laws sure can be crazy sometimes.
"The part of being an adult I love is finding conviction in your own actions" —u/FactorOk4741
"Similar here. Although my wife sometimes cooks, she hates it. She does any and all baking and I love eating it - there's a reason I'm in such good shape! Round is an amazing shape..." —u/WokeBriton
"I am 68. My southern wife is a fantastic cook, she just doesn't care to. We eat one meal a day together and I cook it virtually every night and always have. She does get in the mood to cook around holidays. This is probably a subtle way of saying I am just a moderate cook. She never complains about the food and rarely makes suggestions. We also go out at least once a week for date night. I also grocery shop as I find it and cooking both rather cathartic. Do what works." —u/dlong562