Without a doubt, pawsitivity is what we need on a Monday morning. It should be a national law if not at the very least a cultural rule that decrees that on every morning that is of Monday, hoomans are greeted by a parade of pawdorable animals, for pets, cuddles and belly rubs (optionally for hoomans too). And if a resident does not live close enough to any pawdorable awnimals then they are permitted a two-hour pawdorable animal meme session paid for by their employer (snacks provided obviously).
In the spirit of this basic necessity, we have a list of powerfully pawsitive puppy memes lined up to help you widen the space between the corners of your mouth (a.k.a smiling) and fill up your emotional tank with some pawsitivity. From cat loving pups, to nosey doggos, to mannequin cuddling pugs, to snow covered corgis, there is no escaping the positive vibes of this list. Monday just got magical.
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Exactly how it feels to throw all of your love and affection at your partner after a whole week of not enough quality time together. It can be quite the overwhelming moment, as (if you are lucky) that is a lot of love to throw at someone in one go. But hey, at least it is in the name of love.
An absolute classic that we have all taken part in, in one form or another, over the years. It is irresistible, that urge to send something subliminal but to be able to maintain a visual of your sendee as they open your message sheepishly, wondering why on earth you sent them a message when you are both in the same room. But you know, oh and how you know.
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