Being a feline pawrent comes with bags and bags of challenges. Whether it is the midnight zoomies, early morning food motivated attacks or just random yelling into empty space while you are on a zoom call, our fuzzy feline friends have no shortage of complicated and often misunderstood behaviours. But as every cat canoodler will tell you, the moment your cat decides of their own accord and not with the involvement of food to be on their best behaviour, your pawrent heart melts into a puddle instantly.
It is an overwhelming sense of joy and success, because it is a way for your fur baby to tell you that you have not raised them to be a completely uncontrollable meownster. So we got together some of the best behaved feline buddies to brighten your mood on this dreary Tuesday and get you to the end of the day with the knowledge that there is good in the world.
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It is fair to say that this is the bare minimum that cats require in order to even consider being well-behaved on purpose. But as you can see the results of even the bare minimum are heart-warming and wholesome and so worth the effort on our part.
Another way to get your cat to be on their best behaviour is to show them how much them mean to you. It is clear that you need to love your cat so much that everyone at your work knows about your cat and supports your undying love for them.
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