'Go with your gut!': Student fails test after changing their correct answers, shares teacher's message

  • 01
    Font - Posted by u/missinglinksman I had all the right answers on my Chemistry test, but second guessed myself and got a 58 A What is the sum of 14.67 (four significa A) 17.17 B) 17.2 C) 17.7 17 s'oh? B How should the result of 2.81 (three sig significant figuroa) E
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  • 02
    Font - A What is the sum of 14.67 (four significar A) 17.17 B) 17.2 C) 17.7 17 13 D'oh? How should the result of 2.81 (three sig significant figures) be expressed with the correct nur 18.8 C) 19 D) 19.0 A When subtracting 0.0462 (three signific figures), what is the result with the correct number o 0.216 D) 0.2160 Show all your work. Give your answer in scientific number of significant figures. Circle your final 5.55555 x 108 009,1212 x 104 00091212
  • 03
    Font - A) A substance composed of two or more elements chemically bonded together. A substance composed of two or more substances physically combined, each retaining its own properties. C) A pure substance made up of only one type of atom. D) A substance with a fixed composition and definite chemical properties. What is a solution? C с A A) A type of heterogeneous mixture. B) A type of homogeneous mixture with particles that settle over time. A homogeneous mixture where one substance is dissolve
  • 04
    Font - A B B AC D'ohiy ers is in correct scientific notation? A) 500,000,000,000 B 5.0 × 10¹¹50 × 10° D) 0.5 × 10¹2 What is the number 0.000025 in scientific notation? A) 2.5 x 10-5 B) 2.5 x 10-6 C) 25 x 10-7 Express 9,000,000 in scientific notation. A) 9 x 106 B) 90 × 105 Which of the following numbers is equivalent to 700 in standard form? A) 700 870,000 C) 7,000,000 D) 0.07 (C9x107 D) 900 × 104 D) 25 x 10-5 How many significant figures are in the number 0.00375? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 What is th
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  • 05
    Font - Name: Topher 20101 Circle the letter AND write the letter on the space provided. 3 points each. 31 D B A What is a solution? AA homogeneous mixture of two or more substances B) A heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances C) A pure substance with a fixed composition D) A chemical compound formed by two or more elements A Which of the following is an example of a heterogeneous mixture? A) Saltwater B) water C) Granite DLemonade X What is 6.75 x 10³ in standard notation? A) 675 (B) 6,7
  • 06
    Handwriting - range of values in a measurement. If a set of measurements is both accurate and precise, what can be said about the A) They are close to the true value and consistent with each other. B) They are close to the true value but not consistent with each other. C) They are not close to the true value but consistent with each other. D) They are neither close to the true value nor consistent with each other. A measurements? B If a measurement has high precision but low accuracy, what does
  • 07
    Font - NoPolitiPosting. 4 hr. ago In my college program our main instructor would always tell us "If you live by the eraser, you die by the eraser." 4.3k frostderp 3 hr. ago Ain't that the truth. 505 Reply Share 99 Reply Share BeautifulSalamander6 2 hr. ago live by the eraser, struck by the eraser Reply Share ●●●
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  • 08
    Font - SelfishMentor · 6 hr. ago Who is your teacher, Homer Simpson? Reply Share 3.2k ●●● DoctorW1014 . 4 hr. ago Whoever it is, trust me, they are legitimately sad when this happens. Nobody likes seeing students second guess themselves out of an outstanding grade. Reply Share 2.2k
  • 09
    Font - Velocityg4 3 hr. ago When taking a test you've studied for. Go with your gut. Some part of your subconscious knows the answer. 1.8k Reply Share Green L3af 3 hr. ago Yep as someone who didn't prepare quite enough for many tests, going with my first guess was usually the best 343 Reply Share ●●●
  • 10
    Font - chaosbones43 · 4 hr. ago Your teacher is 100% right, go with what you think of first, second guessing is a recipe for failure on MCQs. 698 Reply Share supaskuubasteve 2 hr. ago Yeah i only change an answer if i KNOW without a doubt its the right choice 70 Reply Share
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  • 11
    Font - Weasle189 3 hr. ago Yeah I had this issue with tests, so I had a policy of never going back over stuff. I have add and am somewhat dyslexic. I finished my tests on average half an hour before anyone else because I would not go back and try and bullsh answers I didn't know, I guessed and moved on. Worst one was at university when I finished an hour before anyone else (only half an hour into the exam). The looks I got leaving were funny. 276 Reply Share
  • 12
    Font - seahorse8021. 3 hr. ago D'oh! 110 Reply Share ●●●
  • 13
    Font - _gmmaann_ . 3 hr. ago I once had a teacher who made a true or false test all true. Nobody got a 100 131 Reply Share MusicG619 2 hr. ago That's a sadot right there 62 Reply Share
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  • 14
    Font - Ok_Historian_6293 · 3 hr. ago You should read the book Blink by Malcom Gladwell. Tbh, I used the concept of going with my gut through nursing school and was the fastest test taker and was on the higher end of GPA for my class. 127 Reply Share 14 ●●● HighDef23 3 hr. ago Malcolm Gladwell reference!! You should check out all of his books tbh. They're super interesting Reply Share
  • 15
    Font - DruncUnkle 3 hr. ago edited 1 hr. ago RED the real mildly infuriating part is the multiple choice answers written as a paragraph instead of separate lines Reply Share 87 The MightyYule . 1 hr. ago Saves tons of paper and doesn't make a practical difference except aesthetics. 28 Reply Share ●●●
  • 16
    Font - Toughbiscuit 3 hr. ago In highschool i finished my biology midterm in like 10 minutes. My teacher refused to accept it, telling me loudly infront of the whole class "Not even i could finish it that fast" So i went back to my seat, went through the whole test, and changed two answers, helped the person across from me cheat on theirs, and 15 minutes later I turned it in The only two things i got wrong were the answers I'd changed. 19 Reply Share
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  • 17
    Font - doere 2 hr. ago · edited 2 hr. ago Isn't the solvent the liquid that another substance is dissolved in? 13 Reply Share rayhond2000 2 hr. ago Yeah that looks wrong. Should be C. A is describing the solute. ↑ 10 Reply Share Exioras 1 hr. ago That's right! Makes this post even funnier. D'oh! 5 Reply Share
  • 18
    Font - On xReshi92 - 3 hr. ago This hurts so much 12 Reply Share
  • 19
    Font - IBangYoDaddy. 2 hr. ago My history prof did this but the reverse, if I made a change during the test and it was obvious, he'd mark the original incorrect even if I changed it to the correct answer. It took a two hour argument between him, the head of the department, and myself before he understood that wasn't right ↑8 Reply Share ●●●
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  • 20
    Font - aLost Battlefield 1 hr. ago . Why have you done this? Especially when figuring out what something like 106 is? The answer is IN the question. 5 Reply Share ●●●
  • 21
    Font - feelin_cheesy 5 hr. ago Multiple-choice math questions are complete garbage. 65 Reply Share missinglinksman OP · 4 hr. ago Its chemistry math too, which Sas 52 Reply Share


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