This waitress wanted to share a story about a family interaction at her job, but commenters took the customers' side!
One waitress shared a story that she probably thought was so quirky and adorkable. At her waitressing job, she shared her sense of humor with customers, and these people didn't care for her jokey nature (except for the kids, whom the OP claims loved the silliness).
The OP has a few memorably cringe lines that she routinely shares with her customers. If a waitress ever handed me water, and in the same breath told me about how it had "came out of the dinosaurs years ago. [It's] just filtered super well," I'd hesitate to eat there. What a weird thing to say about a fresh beverage! Perhaps one of the worst ways to make water sound appetizing is to remind the customer of how water filtration throughout history works.
Maybe the coffee line is worse. It's classic Redditor humor, meaning it's an over-explained joke at the listener's expense. The OP calls coffee with milk "scalded bean juice and bovine drippings." That's the kind of joke you might tell once, watch as it falls flat in front of your audience, and then you never tell again. There's no way any customer wanted creamer that was called "bovine drippings." Instead, the OP repeated this joke numerous times on her various posts on her profile, so she clearly thinks it's hilarious.
Check out this mega-cringe moment below, as well as the commenters who told the OP exactly what they thought about her jokey serving style. (She seemingly didn't listen, though, as she's posted a few times on her profile bragging about her terrible "jokes.") Commenters urged her to just never work as a server again, and keep those terrible one-liners and overly literal descriptions for the internet only.
Up next, check out these embarrassing stories.
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