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There are people who think dogs are cute, and then there are people who think little kids are cute. Well, we've got a video to combine the two cuteness groups! A dad recently in Missouri heard his toddler uncontrollably laughing in the backyard. Curious about what could be so funny, he popped out and found the most adorable and wholesome scene. His toddler was playing fetch with the neighbor's dog through the fence. The adorable pups were watching and waiting for the boy to drop the ball over the fence. Then the dogs would grab it, hop on their hind legs and drop the ball back to him. And this went back and forth for a while. The amount of laughter that is coming out of this kid is adorable! Plus, the attentiveness and playfulness of this dog just makes this video a double-whammy of cuteness overload. I think I've watched it like 15 times already? Enjoy!
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