If you are lucky, and we mean like lottery lucky, you might have yourself a sweet, cuddly, wholesome feline living in your home. This kind of luck is unparalleled in the feline world, for even the nice kitties are known to more than occasionally engage in clawminal and spicy behaviour. And for this small minority of feline pawrents life is a dream. Every morning they are woken up with purrs, cuddles and kisses, their fur babies do not attack them or yell at them for food and the last thing they will do is break stuff around the house in order to gain your attention.
It is this pipe dream of a hooman-feline relationship that we are celebrating this Caturday, such that every single feline pawrent out there can experience some serenity this Saturday, even if their cat seems to have risen from a demon spawn. So kick back relax and enjoy these wholesome feline memes.
This is quite literally what every single person who cares for a cat is aiming for. That cat is your flesh and blood child and no matter whether you are a man or woman you have the overwhelming desire to breastfeed and nurture your special kitten. It hardly gets more wholesome than this.
If you have coin then this kitty has the wares. But in all seriousness, this is some genius level pawrenting that has followed a critical mistake. The mistake being getting their cat used to kitty gogurts which are scarily expensive and worryingly addictive. But on the brightside now this kitty will hopefully learn the value of each gogurt and appreciate what it means to be spoiled with kitty gogurt.
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