Imagine you pick up a new hobby for yourself after work, and let's say it's a manicure. You buy the kit and work hard at making your nails look good and presentable. Some time and effort later, you feel good enough to help out your friends, whose nails are also hopeless. But first, before you hang out with your friends, you bring it to work, because you don't really feel like driving home and then going out again with your friends.
You quickly realize that it was a mistake to bring said kit to work because the office Karen has latched her claws onto you and wants a free manicure. Feeling riled up yet? That is exactly what happened to u/tigolbiddies2022, who had to confront the Karen in her own office after she was badgering her about a free manicure. Scroll down to read exactly what happened, and then check out this illustration of classical art memes that made us feel like we went back 100 years, but in a good way.