If you're a proud weeb like myself, there are a lot of things about Japan that suit your fancy. Japanese culture is obsession-worthy in its own right, but with manga, anime, samurai, ramen, and cherry blossoms to consider, what's not to love? While many weebs catch flack from their peers, what first started with obsession with anime has flourished into a semi-bilingual personality disorder that we're all proud to wear on our sleeve (and with the abundance of Attack on Titan shirts in my closet, I mean that literally). So even if you're new to the weeb-world or don't even know what a weeb is, as long as you enjoy the delights and cute ferocity of Japanese culture, you'll enjoy these memes. Never fear, you don't need to learn Japanese!
Because our world is not written with subtitles and we can't expect everyone to know everything we're saying. So, let it be known, fellow weebs, that you're not alone in an animated world of disproportion and glory! We weebs must stand together and enjoy our love of Japan together!