Usually, when you name an award after someone, it's done to memorialize their significant contribution to the thing it's being awarded for, and never would you ever expect the person being memorialized to be eligible—lest receive—their own award. Can you imagine if every year the Nobel Prize just awarded every award posthumously to Alfred Nobel? I think the entire process would have a completely different perception.
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While this may sound like a joke, it's really just a sad reflection of the narcissistic arrogance that workers face from their bosses on a regular basis… constantly contending with the trumped-up egos of their organization's executives who, despite preaching cohesion, teamwork, and unity—really only care about their own aggrandizement.
This worker shared how their company's CEO receives his own reward—which, to be fair, isn't awarded by the CEO himself—rather, is awarded by his sycophant assistant. With a bewildering lack of self-awareness and irony, this CEO often proclaimed that they were against “participation trophies” before annually accepting their own unique little participation trophy that was created especially for him.
The entire thing paints a rather amusing picture, making this one of our favorite workplace threads online this week.
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