'Every single year': Company annually awards award named after CEO to that CEO

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    "My company has an award named after the Jala CEO that they give to the CEO every year..."
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    Posted by u/Osr0 My company has an award named after the ceo that they give to the ceo every year Let's say the ceo's last name was Holman, well his assistant came up with an award to be handed out annually named "the Holman award", and every single year the firm made a big spectacle out of handing the ceo the award that was named after him and only ever going to go to him. It was so incredibly
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    cringe to watch that it made me uncomfortable, and straight up made me nauseous when he got a standing ovation after getting the trophy every year. This guy makes more in a week than most employees make in a year. He's got 2 mansions, several vacation properties, and an exotic car collection. People at the firm already treat him like a God/ cult leader, but
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    apparently that wasn't enough. No, he also needed an annual award named after him and given exclusively to him. He'd prominently display it in his office as if he didn't literally pay for its creation and the ceremony where he'd get it. He's also the kind of guy to randomly go off on a "participation trophy" rant. The lack of self awareness is astounding.
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    Photo of the company's award ceremony:

    Cheezburger Image 9846130688
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    TBIrehab 12 hr. ago Who else is gonna Out-Holman Mr Holman? ↑ 1.0k 1.0k Reply Share OsrO OP 12 hr. ago Hopefully his 20 something year old kid who is set to take over the firm before they're 30... ↑ 561 Reply Share
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    TheEclipse0 11 hr. ago Haha, that's actually hilarious. Like can you imagine being such a self- absorbed narcissistic piece of s that you make an award to give to yourself every year? Like, Jesus fog Christ... the disconnect from reality is literally insane. Reply Share 351
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    Sestrus 10 hr. ago . I was thinking it was pretty funny too but then I thought about it from OP's and other employees' perspectives. Could you imagine having to sit/stand through this? Trying not to make eye contact with a work buddy because you know one of you is going to make an eye roll
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    or smirk just a little bit and then the laughter will come out. Then a bootlicker will rat you out and then you have to explain to your spouse that you got fired because you laughed at the boss at his supreme leader trophy presentation ceremony. Reply Share 137
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    RedBrixton 12 hr. ago After reading this, I will never mock North Korea again. 363 Reply Share Osr0 OP 12 hr. ago It was very close to what I've seen from smuggled footage Reply Share ↑ 129 129
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    jaredgrubb 12 hr. ago I don't think Mr Holman is the CEO of the place I work, so we'd never be able to have a Holman Award. You must feel very lucky to work at a place that can host this award! Reply Share 76 Osr0 OP 12 hr. ago One time I even got to shake his hand! 45 Reply Share
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    mechwarrior 719 - 11 hr. ago I would yell out "hey look, now you have your own participation trophy! It's even named after you!" As he's congratulating himself on his """""achievement""""" 42 Osr0 OP 10 hr. ago Reply Share . 48 You would need a stopwatch to track how fast you got fired after that Reply Share
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    Caramel Chicken_65 12 hr. ago Awww... poor CEO just wants a standing ovation once a year. Reply Share 130 ●●● Osr0 OP 12 hr. ago Hah! If only that were true... That wasn't even the first standing ovation he lined himself up for that month. It was a pretty regular occurrence, straight out of north Korean smuggled footage ↑ 76 + Reply Share ...
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    PzMcQuire 11 hr. ago Publicly post/attach on a wall somewhere that meme of Obama giving a medal to Obama with the text "The Holman Award" 38 Reply Share
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    dh7274 12 hr. ago Next year rig it so someone but him wins 30 Reply Share Osr0 OP 10 hr. ago There's nothing to rig. His assistant showers him with praise then hands him the award. You'd literally have to kill her and then bring in her clone to pull this off ↑ 41 ↓ Reply Share
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    MoogleyWoogley 11 hr. ago Um... if the award is named after someone, that should be a sign that they are ineligible to receive it. Like the USFSA named their annual award trophy after Michelle Kwan, because girl got it every year during her career until they named it in her honor, so other people had a shot. 20 Reply Share OsrO OP 10 hr. ago "I made the award and the rules" - mr.Holman (probably) Reply Share 14
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    RachelTyrel 10 hr. ago Go to a trophy shop and buy one with your own name on it, then display it in your office. If anyone asks you about it, refuse to say anything other than, "I received it in recognition of my accomplishments," and then stop. Don't answer any other questions about it. If anyone makes a stink, fill out a report of workplace harassment with HR. 44 Reply Share
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    Weak-Snow-4470 11 hr. ago Someone in your office should legally change their name to Holman. Then there would be competition for the prize. Reply Share 13 OsrO OP 10 hr. ago The ceo would literally have made fun of the guy at the ceremony and fired him the following day 14 Reply Share
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    Helpful_Mortgage_431 · 10 hr. ago I thought this was hilarlious, so I screenshot this to a friend who doesn't use reddit, as he used to work next to the owner of the largest chain of groceries in North America. I accidently sent this to a boss whose employment practices were wacky and I just quit through a text message letter I think my day is getting better. Note to self, don't send antiwork reddit screenshots to an employer haha Reply Share 9
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