If you have worked in the service industry, then you know that the best thing about the job can really be your coworkers. They're going through the same work struggles as you and know you both are definitely not getting paid enough. Unfortunately, when they aren't good coworkers, they are the worst. When they don't have your back and throw you under the bus constantly—a real tragedy for the service industry. A server wrote on Reddit that they took their friends to brunch at the restaurant they work out when they had a day off. They were excited to be sat in their coworkers section and hyped him up to their friends. However, the coworker was not only a bad server to them, he also demanded a bigger tip and embarrassed OP in front of their friends to get it. The math ain't mathin' with this one. Anyone who has worked in the service industry knows that when they get hooked up by their coworkers, they tip on the bill that would have been without all the hook ups. So a normal tip, but a discounted bill, get it? But this greedy server demanded more.
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