Señor GIF

16 Adorable GIF's of Corgi's Doing Corgi Things

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    Like Barrel Roll Down Stairs Because Walking is Tough

    Cute GIF of a Corgi having a hard time down the stairs with those short legs.
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    They Possess An Unbound Hatred Towards Lettuce

    gif of corgi fighting the lettuce
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    Staying Fit Playing Sports

    Corgi's gif of playing string ball together.
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    They Face The Sudden Realization That They Are The Only One That Cares About The Ball

    Corgi gif of sleep surrender - dog runs with ball and then crash lands on the floor, motionless.
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  • 5

    Maintaining a Good Clean Coat

    Funny gif of someone vacuuming their Corgi dog's belly.
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    Devouring Snowballs

    Awesome slow motion GIF of a Corgi catching a snow chunk in mid-air.
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    Here We See A Rare Corgi-Boxer Mix

    Cute GIF of a growling Corgi in a box that is very cute nonetheless.
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    Chilling On The Swings Like a Boss

    Cute looping gif of a corgi swinging back and forth in a kid's swing.
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    Participating in Rodeos

    Rodeo Corgi GIF - Toy on back of Corgi makes him go mad to take it off.
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    Practicing a Rare Form of Yoga

    Corgi GIF of chasing a gray yoga ball around the room.

    Full disclosure, this is Meatcliff and he lives with a Cheezburger employee. He was going to be really distraught if he wasn't included in this list.

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    Enjoying The Great Outdoors

    Awesomeness GIF of a Corgi dog leaping into the air to dive into a lake.
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    Keeping Your Stuff On Their Sturdy Heads

    Cute GIF of a corgi with a few things balanced on his head.
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    Really, Can Anyone Get Tired of Seeing Corgi's Bellyflop?

    Cute and funny GIF of a belly-flopping corgi diving into a lake.
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    Sharing a Treadmill

    Gif of funny Corgi dogs on a treadmill walking in sync.
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    Sleeping After All That Lettuce Rage

    Funny passed out Corgi GIF from eating too much lettuce earlier.
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    Then Finally Waking To Do It All Again

    Funny gif of Corgi's sleeping in an organized way that falls apart when just one stands up.


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