'I didn't see a day off request': Worker gets fired after being scheduled when they weren't available

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    2:55 Ⓒ ← Jan 1 Hi I just saw the shifts for this week and noticed that I am scheduled tomorrow. Unfortunately I will be out of town and coming back late tomorrow evening so I will not be available. I am available Wednesday tho! 5:53p I didn't see a day off request 6:30p 5G 100% 1:40p ⠀ Reach out to your teammates to see who can cover.
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    I work(ed) at a job that allowed me to set my schedule, so I set my availability before Christmas to not be available on Tuesday after New Years Day, schedule was posted on New Years Day so I sent this message that evening and showed up to my Wednesday shift to be fired. I also got my shift covered after I was told to be sure it was covered.
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    Redcat_51 4 hr. ago reach out to your teammates. When it's the manager who deserves to be fired for not doing his job. 2.3k Reply Share kytheon 3 hr. ago I'll never get this "cover your own shift" thing. What are managers for? Also you know they're short staffed if a single missing employee takes down the work. 835 Reply Share
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    o Wolfy Young OP. 3 hr. ago They are, new people were brought in almost daily for interviews. Interview process was extremely long for 15$ but the target for new hires was high school and college students. Despite this however the owner would only schedule us in 3 hour intervals to avoid any paid breaks. 341 Reply Share xpoisonvalkyrie · 3 hr. ago yeah no wonder no one wants to work there, 3 hours isn't worth anyone's time. Vote Reply Share
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    Demibolt 3 hr. ago . Never understood how managers get away with the "find someone to cover your shift" That's their job, you're not getting paid extra to juggle the schedule but they are. Reply Share Vote Timah158 2 hr. ago In some states like AZ, they are not legally allowed to make you find a cover for your shift. Always check your state laws and file with the DoL accordingly. Don't put up with doing extra without pay. Vote Reply Share
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    YomiKuzuki 2 hr. ago "As I am not a manager, I am unqualified to find someone to cover my shift". Also, if you got fired for that exchange, you're 100% better off not working for them Vote Reply Share WolfyYoung OP. 2 hr. ago Agreed, it was my first time getting fired and I'm not even upset. Reply Share Vote
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    Hishui92 2 hr. ago 8P Claim unemployment and make them pay while you search for a better job. ✩ Vote Reply Share WolfyYoung OP. 2 hr. ago Fortunately for me since I am on winter break I already have a second job. Had 2 in order to pay for tuition and stuff. Vote Reply Share
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    Wolfy Young OP. 2 hr. ago One thing that was mind boggling was that while in his office and was yelling and shaking saying things like "In this text you were TELLING me that you were not coming in." "This setting your schedule thing isn't going to work." "You'll never keep a job telling them you cant work." I tried explaining to him that on the app I did set my availability for the week and my intent with the text was keep things clear and short to communicate effectively. Some back ground conte
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    theodoreburne 1 hr. ago Typical managerial inflated sense of importance. The underlings can't say how things are going to be, only he can. Reply Share Vote mrtomhack 59 min. ago I always love the look that managers get when I tell them no or anything that isn't immediately sucking up and letting them walk all over me, there always like oh okay followed immediately by wait did he just say no? your not allowed to do that!? Reply Share Vote
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    Wolfy Young OP. 43 min. ago Thats why I got fired, I stood up for myself and at the end he said "Well what I expected you to say was 'Im sorry I didn't take responsibility' so I guess today is your last day." I just said "OK." -Edited spelling errors AHOY Vote Reply Share Curry_pan 12 min. ago Cut to him complaining that he can't keep staff and no one wants to work anymore, not realizing he is the whole problem. Vote Reply Share ...
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    DrShitsnGiggles 2 hr. ago So if you could just reach out to your teammates and do my job for me, that would be great. Mmmmkay? Thaaaanks." Vote Reply Share Wolfy Young OP. 2 hr. ago The funniest thing was that even after that I did reach out to my coworkers and get it covered. Vote Reply Share ...
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    Its_ok_to_lie. 2 hr. ago Shouldn't even have sent the text. Take the day off. When they text you asking where you are, don't even respond. You come back and explain in person that your day off was approved. Reply Share Vote WolfyYoung OP. 2 hr. ago I thought about it, however the owner raved on about previous employees that tried that and he canned. I genuinely did enjoy the actual job and my coworkers. It was just the owner that was odd. Vote Reply Share
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    WriteCreepyStuff. 2 hr. ago Honest question here, is it common in US to only know your shift a week in advance or things like that? I mean, when you're hired, youre not given the specific time they requires you to work? Like they don't give you a contract with "Monday - Friday from 9h to 17h" kind of thing written? Reply Share Vote
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    Annual_Ad6999 · 48 min. ago Well, did you request the day off? Reply Share Vote WolfyYoung OP. 40 min. ago Shouldn't have had to, I set my availability to not available like the job perks said I could. Vote Reply Share


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