It must be rough being a pigeon. As a New York City resident, we aren't exactly conditioned to feel sympathy for the dirty birds that fly around the five boroughs. They are only second to rats as the resident animal of our contempt. However, it's not their fault that they congregate in cities and are useless. I'm sure you don't remember because carrier pigeons didn't exist in any of our lifetimes, but we humans domesticated those little devils 5000-10,000 years ago. For hundreds of years, they were employed members of civilization, delivering mail as far back as Ancient Egyptian times! The final passenger pigeon died in 1914, so now the only pigeon breed that exists are the unemployed hoards who live in urban areas because they cannot survive without humans. If you relate to the helplessness of the modern-day pigeon, you might also identify with the other animals in these animal memes.