Heartwarming Memes Of Dogs Being The Best Friends In The Animal Kingdom

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    current emotion: dogs who are stuck but pretending everything is fine
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    Someone had a maternity shoot for their dog
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    "Bear with me, dog."
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    "The best dinner date"

    Got stood up by my date so thought I'd treat a special girl in my life.
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  • 05
    While all the other dogs in the park were playing around, he read a book with his human. POOP ASSADE EUROPE
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    There was a hole in the fence that the neighbor's dog kept poking his head through... ...So I fixed it.
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    The mailman has to improvise when there's no mail because Pipa the dog loves bringing it in every day! have mail Margar (POST
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  • 08
    my dog made a huge mess and then had the audacity to just sit and chill while i cleaned it up i mean LOOK AT HIS LITTLE ARM
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    so my mom accidentally ordered an xs dog bed but he's still grateful.. @will ent
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    "Who can relate? "

    me every time i go to someone's house and they have dogs: @fidegs @fi.dogs
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    U r not doggo but I love u
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    Nobody: Me when I go to someone's house and they have a pet
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    "13/10 day for Ted"

    This is Ted. He went on his first boat ride today. Hopes you like his giraffe vest. He picked it out himself. 13/10
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    "I hope they framed this one!"

    The best wedding photo of all time
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    When your human works nights but you love him so you go back to bed every morning when he gets home.
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    "I can feeel the warmth"

    The best feeling in the world:
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    "This is getting intense…"

    [dog trial] D.A.: Who's a good boy? Dog: *wags tail* D.A.: Then how do you explain the scattered trash? Dog: *ears droop* *jury gasps* Oh heck
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    "Lucy is the sweetest"

    We welcomed our first born 5 days ago. Our dog Lucy has been on watch ever since. He cried slightly this am and she immediately went to make sure everything was OK & stayed until he fell back asleep. Love them both!


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