Hilarious Memes Of Cats In Unexpected Scenarios To Give You The Giggles

  • 01

    "What other uses for cat?"

    Why you should have a cat @Should HaveCat there are many uses for cat
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  • 02

    "...and then I immediately fell asleep because of the"

    Natalie @jbfan911 Hey sorry can't talk right now. I'm listening to my cat breathe while he sleeps and my heart is filling up with love
  • 03

    "That was Zen. This is meow."

    Homemade zen garden
  • 04

    "Cats: Being adorable inconveniences for approximately 10,000 years!"

    Cats: sitting on our laptops before they were even laptops.
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  • 05

    "Toastin' the toe beans "

    lil waste of space @pupperonis Follow baking the beans
  • 06

    "Fairly accurate, not gonna lie"

    cat ownership in a nutshell Doella
  • 07

    "Tag who you’d want to kiss on the vegetable shelf "

    what if we kissed on the vegetable shelf
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  • 08

    "Talk to the paw"

    Them: Your cat is not your baby Me:
  • 09

    "Can I get uhhhhh 10 piece chicky nuggie meal "

    batekush 16000 17 4 its like. thats his truck and hes ordering from a drive through at 12am
  • 10

    "We know you’ve got the ‘nip, lady!"

    Went to volunteer at the Humane Society and the security bag check was pretty intense
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  • 11

    "Their understanding is far beyond ours..."

    2 PET STREET. 고양이 모델 텐트 409 5,000 Cat logic is beyond reality
  • 12

    "With gentle paws and the heart of a fighter"

    JJJ a single mom that works too hard, that loves her kids and never stops J
  • 13

    "One always tells the truth, and the other always lies..."

    Woke up this morning and found my cats guarding my basement like this
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  • 14

    "Hm, whatever could it be?"

    3 find the thing that doesn't belong Cheers 10.91
  • 15

    "More lasagna?. No Mondays"

    kernthith @painted_eel my son is voting for the first time i'm so proud
  • 16

    "Glad I'm not the only one who thinks about these things."

    My biggest fear is slipping in the shower and somebody finding me dead like this:
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  • 17

    "Me trying to finish my read for Book Club...why does reading make one so sleepy!"

    How it started How's it going KIK
  • 18

    "It's the same picture..."

    melissa @mequishiaa I can't send my family any pictures of my cat BECAUSE THEY END UP EDITING HER INTO RAW CHICKEN EVERYTIME SMH 87 BOSE


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