Animal Comedy Newsletter

Opossum Babies Go Missing While Their Mother is Out Searching for Food, Diligent Mama Marsupial Goes Viral When She Finds Them All One-By-One in the Garage


Nature can be brutal sometimes. Some animals claw their way towards survival and may even become desperate enough to eat their own young. Some hoomans complain about their own Mom and Dad, but at least we'll never have that problem. However, some wholesome parents in the animal kingdom capture our attention when they share their compassion. 

Like the opossum mother in our next story. 


This mother opossum took up residence in a woman's garage when she gave birth to 8 kits. Unlike a lot of wild animals though, this opossum mom proved to be a caring and diligent caregiver and shocked the hoomans housing her when she did the unthinkable. 

Bu the next day, they vanished!

With a formidable hay nest built in the corner of the garage, Mama Opossum felt secure leaving her babies behind while she went out to go search for food, but when she returned, all the babies had disappeared! The pseudo-mom (hooman) who documented the babies' growth searched frantically to find the babies with no success. 

However, when Mama returned, she would not give up so easily…

Ignoring the camera in her face, this lady opossum was on a mission to find her babies! After waiting at the garage door all night, she searched every corner of the garage with her powerful snoot. As she found each baby, she loaded them up onto her back one by one until she saved each of them. 

After a quick cat food snack, the mama opossum was on her way again, heading out into the unknown with her babies on her back, knowing that she would protect them at all costs. Click here for the entire wholesome video of a mama opossum proving that the animal kingdom is a heartwarming place. 



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