Feeling like a cold's coming on? Nothing vitameme C can't cure!
Do you know how everyone always says when you're starting to feel a cold coming on, you need to up your vitamin C intake to help support your immune system? Well, the same goes for vitaMEME C to help support your mental health. That is JUST as important as your physical health. You can totally will yourself into feeling sicker than you actually physically are. But if you keep yourself sane and allow yourself a few laughs a day, then you'll be fit as a fiddle. And what better way to do that than with memes? So make sure you get your daily dose of Vitameme C with these extra funny orange memes. Yes, most of them are also the color orange, but we're talking about the Vitamin C-packed citrus fruit, the delicious Orange (or a tangerine/clementine here or there, whatever you prefer). So rest up and get your recommended amount of LOLs in with these hilarious memes!