Monday Thru Friday

Tired of Plain, Boring Starbucks Cups?

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    Many current entries are of the highly-detailed, monochromatic variety.

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    Consider them more sophisticated versions of what you used to doodle on your notebooks.

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    Others opt for a simpler approach. A classic never goes out of style, whether it's a houndstooth print...

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    ...or a work of art.

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    Highly appropriate, given that this is how some people feel before their first cup of coffee.
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    Everything's better with tentacles.

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    Another take on tentacles finally brings some color to the party.

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    Considering the origin of the chain's name, it's only fitting that nautical themes are popular.

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    (Dat tail.)

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    Other submissions pay tribute to the drink menu itself.

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    However, not everyone is a Starbuck fan.

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    And people have no problem telling Starbucks exactly how they feel.

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    It's not the internet until this reference has been made.
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    Sorry, Starbucks. This is what happens when you ask the internet for things.

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    (Taken at Cheezburger HQ, which is only a few miles from Starbucks HQ.)


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