Howlarious Memes Of Doggos Being Doggos To Inspire You To Unleash Your Silly Side Today

  • 01

    "The smol to lorge transition of a pupper has Confused science for millenia, new research at the Pupson Chimken institute believes the Higgs-Barkson particle is key to this."

    its okay oh golly am still smol cant get much lorger than this right? wat the hec happened
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  • 02

    "Who could it be, if not him?"

    mierm sory fren donot know where ur yum cream went vingrant
  • 03

    "Doggo meets a mysterious new type of doggo. What shall we name him? The doggo HQ has the current beta test name 'nuzzle wiggle wheel run doggo'"

    henlo just here to say u can achieve ur dreams idk who he is but i love him
  • 04

    "Why yes Im doin a cultured fren"

    When the waiter pours your wine and you have to do the taste test thing like you didn't chug wine from a bag in college tip mmm yes delectmable SU
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  • 05

    "Doggo is very much into cardio (monching and chomping), weights (lifting pup his own body to get more food) and dieting (a steady diet of heck)"

    heck yes I'm into Fitness *blop Fitness whole yum disc in my snoot @doggosbeingdoggos *yum disc
  • 06

    "Sosig boi has been done s real predicament here when Sharon vacccumed and moved his steps to nap nap land. Will anyone do an assist?"

    am bamboozled the darkness consumes me Just want a couch nap nap y did i hav to be born with stumpers
  • 07

    "So until now this page has been called doggosbeingdoggos but with this post I may rename it to SealsBeingSeals, given this is clearly a seal, and not an adorable heckin floofy bernese woofer. The seal requests fishe, do you do a provide?"

    ur mistaken Sharon am not doggo am clearly Seal gib Fishe?
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  • 08

    "Is this not the most stylish puppo you ever done seen? "

    okay got my cool sunglasses Ready for the pawty now gonna impress pupperina
  • 09

    "The puppers at pupper HQ did a lorge archeological dig to do a discover and maybe even a fascinate. What they found was an ancient scroll that when unrolled simply stated "All doggo are Pupper"

    Ur a good pupper" hehe she still col me pupper even tho im thicc as heck
  • 10

    "the Frenchman who is definitely NOT a doggo needs to test the food (all of it). DO you trust him?"

    oh Bonjour fren am not doggo i promis am Frenchman "deceit @doggosbeingdoggos jus need to taste test ur food all of it So you're just gonna scroll past without saying Bonjour ATE BRIDG
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  • 11

    "A guide on how to go from sad boi to flowwo boi: Step 1) Realise you're blessed by the universe to exist Step 2) realise you're a heckim adorable puggo that everyone wants to do a boop to Step 3) Be happ and flowwo"

    How to turn a bad situation into a good one ams sad Heck :( AM FLOWO wait a min.. HEHEH
  • 12

    "Saw puppo doin a levitate, will he gets his treatos?"

    My naym iz pupper i levitate Thinkin bout treatos that i ate *tip They gib me pats They gib me boops But all i want is some heckin food
  • 13

    "Nurse Oliver needs to inspect your bones for this check pup. Do not worry, you can trust the dogtors."

    i need to inspect your bones might not give them back
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  • 14

    "The quack quack doggos have seen a very strange ducko, he does not bork but quacks instead and likes to attempt to destroy soft surfaces in the house. Many happs will be had."

    luv dis duck they think am ducko he doesnt quack much
  • 15

    "Should we tell him?"

    Ci Oh boi the harvest is great this year what a beautiful tomato
  • 16

    "I once was smol"

    am comf tip tappity hooman something is wrong i did a grow
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  • 17

    "The specialized team will do their best to save the box of chimken nuggs you brought from McDognalds but they cannot make any promises "

    we'll try to save your chimken nuggets trust me im a dogtor
  • 18

    "Doggo meets skip hop pupper, a boop ensues. Have you done a boop today?"

    who you? i forest skip hop pupper 116 *boop thank. i am wiser naow


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