In college, you hear the same thing about your major repeatedly. Theatre majors get used to jabs about having to wait tables postgrad, and business majors have heard jokes about their classes being stupidly easy more than they can even count. But there's one subject that gets insulted more than basically any other, and that's math. If you're a math major, you've probably heard everything, from "I could never do that" to "Why would you torture yourself that way?" Don't get me wrong; I'm not a math person (I'm not a math person either), but I think the subject receives a lot of undue hate that could be reserved for much more pointless and mind-numbing subjects.
A math grad student recently went viral after sharing a less-than-ideal dating app conversation. When he explained that he was studying for a complex analysis test, the person on the other end of the conversation said, "Ew," sparking discourse about who the weirdo was in this situation.