Cats have been leaving their marks throughout history for many many many years at this point. In so many places in the world, etched into stone are our cats' paw marks. Because they have always - and we mean always - stepped in all of the places they were not allowed to. Cats are an inseparable part of our history as humans, and we are about to talk about one of them today - a tuxedo cat who sailed the ocean during World War II. He's not the first one either. There are many fascinating historical photos of cats serving in the US sea services, and we have even seen a whole thread about naval ship cats in tiny hammocks throughout history.
All of these cats have amazing stories, and Tracy Thorne, our resident singing cat lady, has clearly fallen for one of them, and she captured her love and appreciation in a song.
For more of Tracy's awesome songs, check out her kitten fierceness theme song and her morning wake up call cat song.