"When you show up for your second interview make sure to wear an enormous obviously fake mustache."
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The job market is a dog-eat-dog world out there. You have to do what you can to get the job that you want. Sometimes, though, even when you try your hardest, you still get served a knuckle sandwich. So what do you do? Well, this guy found a hiccup that he used to his advantage during his job search. He interviewed for a DevOps position for a company and after going through all the hiring process, he eventually got rejected. However, a week later another job recruiter reached out to him. Funny enough, it was from the same company for the same position. So instead of moving on, he concocts a devious plan with the job recruiter and resends a new “updated” resume. Hilariously enough, he lands ANOTHER interview with the same manager who just talked to him and rejected him a week prior. Really goes to show how much these companies remember us… Read the entire funny situation unfold below!
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