Usually, the decision to buy a house together is one of the biggest decisions in a couple's relationship. It involves a long commitment, a shared living space, and of course, an absurd amount of money, all of which are not things either person in the relationship should take lightly. The purchase itself should only arrive after the couple had long conversations about it and is in agreement about the entire deal. Otherwise, their relationship might be in for a challenge.
Exactly like the relationship of the couple in this Reddit story. The boyfriend decided to buy a house without saying a word of it to his girlfriend but still claimed that the purchase was made 'for her' and their future together. Without having a say on the house's location, and without actually contributing a dime to the purchase, the girlfriend was hesitant to be happy about her boyfriend's decision, which now creates a strain in their (9 months long, important to mention) relationship.
Scroll down to read the full story, and after you are done, click here for a story of a girlfriend overhearing her boyfriend declaring her sister more attractive than her.
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