"Pupper goes from smol to lorge, thanks to McDognalds most pupular item, chimken nuggers."
While they might not be the healthiest snack on this planet, there is no dying the comfort and yumminess that comes with the humble chimken nugget. We all love them, as a snack and even more so as a treat for having done something well. So go on, treat yourself to a bunch of them, because you have outdone yourself this week.
"Corgo does a heckin educate to pupper on one of the crucial doggo moves, the blep."
"You got this fren!!! When times are ruff, we mist pawsevere. also gib treat?"
"Should we tell him?"
While this might not look like a tomato, who are we to judge? It might be a new breed of giant tomato, specifically bred to be used on giant burger buns. Which if it is the case, then this diligent doggo will be raking in the profits for many years to come. And even if it is just a watermelon, why ruin the little wholesome happiness that exists in the world by telling him otherwise.
"Henry always gets a bit...excited, but Jessica stays grounded."
"Clip clop neigh doggo ask pupper why he smol, pupper admit he pupper."
"It was Spring 2018 when the beast arrived. "
"Accountant pupper has done due diligemce and found that the catto has gotta go."
"A real "Oh Heck" moment"
"Entrepeneur doggo has been thinkin bout starting a Pawdcast after hearing about how reading 24 laws of Borking,"
"Your Booper Delivery is here"
"Pupper has read 'The Art of Pawsuasion' and makes the deal of the century, how do you do a respond?"
"When you've had a ruff day, when it seems like the world is getting chaotic and worse, there's always the reminder that a boop from a clip clop eeyore doggo to a tiny happy corgo can still happen. And that boop will make them both even more happ."
"Pupper gives pupper a regulation cuteness check."
"Doggo was doin a peaceful snooze, dreaming of finally catching the elusive squorrel and making frens with a capybara"
"As the well known ancient saying goes:"
"Frank Puppagale Jnr had been traveling the world pawtending to be various jobs, the cutest smolest floofiest con artist ever."
"Captain Sosigeria shows off the superior speed of his hover skills to a dispupointed labrador who wishes he could achieve the Mach 3 speed with his tapsters that cap can. Will he protecc Sosigeria from Hydra? Stay tuned."
"You decide, frens!"
"""Millions of corgos suffer from this every year, Susan. """
"After a pretty ruff day, doggo was ponmdering whether doggo not actually goodboi and that life is punishing doggo for not bein goodboi"
"Boone the very good boy could clearly not be more excited to have a little brother."
"O oh..He boots to smol for he gotdam feets"
"Don't bite the hand that does you a feed, only a smol monch"
"Heckin bamboozled again, hooman."
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