I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

24 Feverish Feline Funnies For High Energy Hardworking Hoomans

  • 1

    "going cryptid mode"

    O dobrydendavid 2y Snapshots of the many times I've caught him on his hind legs.

    You can see it in his eyes, this cat is on a mad one and if you were in the vicinity of this zoomie catto, you would be wise to find a way to hide. Lest you wish to fall victim to the high energy high jinks of a zoomie filled feline. Which, from experience, we can tell you is a very scratchy way to live your life.

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  • 2

    "have you considered they know the rules and simply do not care"

    Lena @banalplay one thing I like saying to my cats in admonishment is "you know the rules" when they very clearly do not know and will never know the rules
  • 3

    "I’m not like other girls I’m worse"

    dummy @ilikebugs7 him: are you stupid or something me:
  • 4

    "I can hear this picture"


    We all know that one person in our lives who simply cannot contain all the energy in their mind and body, and periodically it simply bursts out in the form of random screams and movements. Usually causing quite the fright for anyone nearby, there is little warning of these outbursts, but in retrospect they are usually rather hilarious and can be forgiven.

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  • 5

    "oh they have a reason"

    mr p❤y @_mry I love having cats. sometimes you'll just be hanging out in your house and for no apparent reason a small fluffy being will be pissed at you
  • 6

    "mission: impawssible"

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    "your assignment couldn’t be clearer"

    Mark Primiano @Doctor1Hundred She screams and screams until I give her a tiny kiss on the noggin. 3 seconds go by and the screaming returns. G
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  • 8

    "I’m book"

    GODEL, ESCHER, BACH: An Eternal Goldre Braid BILL BRYSON GERAIS, P A Short History of Nearly Everything
  • 9

    "must kiss the murder baby"

    koyaanisqatsi heckler @Arr The reason cats are so pissy is they're God's perfect killing machines but they only weigh 8lbs and we keep picking them up and kissing them
  • 10

    "unclear who could have done this"

    anica seelie @AnicaSeelie come on man VALUE SIZE FORMAT ÉCONOMIQUE VOHC Greenies DENTAIRE Catnip Flavour Saveur d'herbe à chat FRESHERS BREATH RAFRAICHIT L'HALE IN TREATS FOR CALIGATIRES POUR CHA NET WT/POIDS NET 277 g (9.75 02) 03
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  • 11

    "he is doing quality control"

    maya kosoff @mekosoff face of a guy who bit a macbook screen so hard he punctured the glass. according to the guy at the apple store he sees this "20 times a week"... many such cases, etc.
  • 12

    "what’s his net worth"

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  • 13

    "futa gonna lose all his street cred"

    laurinha @ecto_fun imagine being a cat gang leader and all the other cats see u get picked up like baby simba on pride rock NHK WORLD JAPAN et This is Futa, the "gang leader.' "
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  • 14

    "he is beauty he is grace he is orange"

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  • 15

    "a gassy princess"

    placeboeffex 130d $307 later to be diagnosed with "she has to fat" Cat Picture EF
  • 16

    "got on my thinking cat"

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  • 17

    "the cats are solar powered"

    PECTRUM lor GRAIN SOLUTIONS Mobile Grain Cleaning Mobile Color Sorter Screenings Purch Aaron Taylor @Tippen22 Starlink works great until the cats find out that the dish gives off a little heat on cold days.
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    "extremely powerful energy"

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  • 19

    "only if you run in circles screeching simultaneously"

    cuckold jones @cuckcat can i come over and do this
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  • 20

    "the cat distribution system makes no mistakes"

    Dr. Laura Robinson @LauraRbnsn I know so many people with cats and only a tiny number of them went to a shelter and picked out a cat. Everyone else I know with a cat has a story that's like "yeah he just moved in."
  • 21

    "the cake thief has logged on"

    Mugwumpen 10d I went to a cat café. Was told to keep an eye on the white cat, as "He will try to steal your cake" Cat Picture
  • 22

    "he wants you to pass the soap"

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  • 23

    "the squeaky wheel gets the crunchies"

    derek guy ⭑ @dieworkwear it's crazy that cats have survived as a species because of their evolutionary advantage in whining
  • 24

    "the princess life chose her"

    Katie D @Katie Deal99 If my cat only knew how hard I work to provide. her treats and a nice home she would definitely still not care


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