Looking for a job can be one of the most soul-sucking things you have to go through as an adult. You're constantly setting yourself up for rejection. It's incredibly draining, especially in the era of online applications, where most apps you send through fall into an abyss, never to be seen or heard from again. It can make you feel like you're useless and nobody likes you, even though you logically know that most recruiters only look at resumes for less than 15 seconds. Sometimes it takes hundreds of applications to get a response, but all it takes is one good lead.
Then, if you're lucky, you go through the interview process, which is a whole other bag of worms. Selling yourself is a skill unto itself, and if you haven't honed it, interviews can be brutal. And then you still might not ever hear from them again. But if you relate to any of this, you can relate to these memes (which you probably have some free time to look at).