When you start working in a new industry that you never worked in before, you inevitably begin learning how those industries actually work, and how little you knew about it as a customer. It is surprising how much information companies try to keep from their customers even though that information can often be extremely beneficial for them and sometimes even life-changing.
That is why, once one starts working in a new industry and learns some tricks and hacks, they should share that information with whoever they can. Much like what these trusty employees did in this AskReddit thread. After they were asked to share industry hacks that customers aren't really supposed to find out, people did not disappoint with the helpful tips they provided. From hotel reservations and car rentals to customer support, these tips are sure to help you navigate the customer life a lot better.
Keep scrolling to read the best hack we could find. After that, click here for a story of an employee who dragged her company through the mud because of a pay cut.
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