Welcome back wise women of the internet. In 2024, it can be hard to feel like you have your own opinions, or that you're your own person. Being inundated all the time with images, opinions, politics, and other stances that have us swaying this way and that, can contribute to our sense of helplessness in the world. Unlike our parents, our generation has a myriad of social and economical issues that make it hard to find ground in this ever changing, hysterical world. But somehow we do find it.
For wise women who truly know themselves, they trust their inner voice. This Zen mentality has them finding strength within themselves, without the need to rely on other voices, opinions, and perspectives. It doesn't mean they're blocked out to the world, but they rely on themselves. It's truly amazing and inspiring to see women trust themselves, without the help from a man or partner. They steer their own ship, they know what's best for them.
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