The way you drink your morning coffee says a lot about you as a person. We do not mean what type of coffee you drink in the morning, we are talking about what you usually do while drinking it – the when, where, and how.
For example, many people stop in a coffee shop on their way to work, usually order their coffee at the drive-through, and then drink it while driving to work. We would say that these type of people value their time, do not let a minute go to waste, and enjoy getting to work as early as possible to ensure they have enough time to get everything they need done.
On the other hand, some people enjoy brewing their coffee first thing when they wake up, and they take 10-15 minutes every morning to simply sip their coffee and let their brains wake up, way before they even attempt to start getting ready for work. We would say that these people are not morning people, as they take their time to get themselves ready for the long day, and those 10 minutes of silence are a crucial part of it.
Either way, scrolling through funny memes while drinking your coffee is always recommended, so we invite you to do so with this collection of hilarious memes. Up next, is a series of silly stories of bizarre ways people make money.