This person experienced what it's like to work with an unforgiving boss who absolutely must stick to the rules. Maybe you've had this type of boss before: they want you to give them 110% every day, but they also can't forgive any mistake, no matter how small. They treat every mistake as if it's the end of the world. You're two minutes late? Well, that boss will spend twenty minutes telling you how your poor work ethic is impacting you and your colleagues. This is the kind of boss who doesn't want you taking a single moment of your workday to make a cup of coffee or take a quick phone call or take a bathroom break. But also, there's basically nothing that will make these bosses happy anyway, so what's the point in trying?
That's the lesson that u/ThatExoGuy learned at their assembly line gig at a factory. They were really bending over backward to try to help their boss, but it wasn't going well. The boss was still irate if the original poster, so that employee decided to just be on time every day if possible. Still not good enough! Check out the full story below.
Up next, this boss wanted a current employee to train their replacement, while also not correcting a single thing the newbie did wrong, with the result being, "Everyone finds out the trainee is actually incapable of doing the job."
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