
A Little Treat of 38 Memes for Ladies Being Really Brave About Their Tummy Ache

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  • 1
    "are u ok" NO my stomach hurts whenever i eat things that i like to eat
  • 2
    stomach: pls dont eat that ur gonna ruin my life me: ok i wont 5 min later:
  • 3
    me and bestie reviewing our fast food order knowing we'll regret it in the morning 67
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  • 4
    when you look back in your camera roll & find pictures of yourself enjoying the food your body decided it can no longer digest -GOOD FOR HER
  • 5
    Me after drinking a milkshake knowing i'm lack toes and toddler ants
  • 6
    i don't know the Listen, if bathroom situation im not going 1/2
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  • 7
    me: idk why my stomach hurts me the night before: Dorites
  • 8
    me VOGUE the inexplicable urge to tell someone my stomach hurts every time there's a lull in the conversation
  • 9
    me asking for 500 substitutions because i can't eat anything with gluten or dairy on the menu
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  • 10
    myibslife @myibslife officially in my tummy ache era. eat? tummy ache. don't eat? tummy ache. too stressed? tummy ache. too happy? tummy ache. breathe? tummy ache.
  • 11
    is there dairy in this
  • 12
    me after eating something i knew was gonna hurt my stomach but did it anyway
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  • 13
    HERED I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy... put on music when Asking him to i go to the bathroom
  • 14
    me ignoring my texts, sipping on my lil cup of tea and binge watching my favorite comfort show for the 2348th time because my tummy hurts
  • 15
    me if they make getting a tummy ache after eating literally anything illegal
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  • 16
    me waking up bloated, nauseous, gassy and not knowing whether i should sit still or sprint to the bathroom @hollabackcards I've honestly been awake for 38 seconds, and this is already the worst day of my life.
  • 17
  • 18
    Me when I stand up Me when I sit L
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  • 19
    doctors: "Research suggests poor sleep could be a common trigger for IBS symptoms" me reading the research at 2am with a stomach ache:
  • 20
    when you're half way through eating something and can already feel the stomach cramps setting in
  • 21
    when someone's telling me to hurry up in the bathroom cuz they 'kinda have to pee' but i'm sitting here fighting for my life
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  • 22
    When I accidentally type "grilllll” instead of "gir||||||”
  • 23
    my stomach: *growls* me, knowing it's game over the minute i eat 3 bites of a meal: THE LIES
  • 24
    You knew summer was coming and you just kept eating
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  • 25
    me gaslighting myself into thinking that i can eat like a normal person (phks BUFFALO HOT
  • 26
    me oversharing about my bowel movements to the wrong audience *I've done it again, haven't I'
  • 27
    when the IBS flare hits as soon as you finish getting ready to go out
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  • 28
    me working from home after eating my trigger foods
  • 29
    doctor: *diagnoses me with IBS* me: ok is there anything you can do to help me doctor: Oh god, honey, No.
  • 30
    "no one else here knows my tummy hurts and i'm trying to be really brave about it"
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  • 31
    him: she's probably thinking of other guys... her: i literally have to so bad
  • 32
    Me: I want to get in better shape Also me:
  • 33
    me in bed googling "why does my stomach hurt" for the 29384728th day in a row
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  • 34
    "you can't eat all that" me: UBS
  • 35
    other girls: I can't eat infront of my bf me:
  • 36
    me drinking my lil cup of peppermint tea and taking a lil warm bubble bath in hopes it'll cure the last few years of debilitating stomach issues
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  • 37
    "u are what u eat" I don't remember eating the funniest person alive
  • 38
    Me staring at a menu knowing imma get the same thing I always do


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