Modern medicine has come a long way in helping people relieve unnecessary pain in their lives. Over-the-counter pain killers and allergy medicines make life easier for millions. 100 years ago they would have had to suffer through period cramps, chronic pain, toothaches, inflammation, and unrelenting seasonal allergies. Even food intolerances and allergies can be managed through modern medicine. Those allergic to dairy can enjoy pizza and charcuterie boards by taking a supplement with the necessary enzymes to help break down lactose, and people with severe allergies to certain foods can carry an EpiPen in case of emergency. Taking these modern medicines doesn't make you less of a person, and so it follows that taking an epidural during labor shouldn't make a mother less of a woman.
In our story today, a controlling mother-in-law tries to manipulate our protagonist into giving birth 'naturally' by shaming her in front of her family and friends. Luckily, the plan backfired as real-life onlookers and internet commenters were left in shock and anger at she attempted to assert her will over someone else's body and choices. How would you handle this mother-in-law who thinks she runs the show?
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