If there is one thing that I am grateful for about getting married young, is that neither of us had money when we got married. I am fully aware that this sounds ridiculous to be grateful for, but the fact that we had almost the same starting point financially saved us from the pain of fighting about it.
Both of us being young and at the start of our careers allowed us to build our financial state together and as equals, so there were no accusations of one of us being a gold-digger, mostly because there was no gold to dig. And now, when each of us has a respectable career, we can navigate this financial journey together in a way that suits us both, without rivalry or bitterness.
It seems like there is quite a lot of financial rivalry and bitterness between the couple in this Reddit story. The main issue comes from the fact that the wife sold her own house and moved into her husband's, so she has no financial claim to his house. This causes a strain on how they choose to divide the responsibilities in their household which could lead to real marital issues.
Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a girlfriend who found out her boyfriend is a liar on his birthday.
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