It's time we face the truth - cats are the charming champions of cuteness. We're not sure there's a scientific consensus on how cats got to control the cuteness bar, but they manage to do so by just being their fluffy felines selves. Let's think about it logically for a second here - when you're having a daunting day in a work week and suddenly your meowing floof appears in front of you, it's an immediate mood boost. Whether they're try to cramp up into tiny boxes or hunt a feathered toy, cats can turn every frown upside down.
As dedicated friends to all felines, we truly believe they're the best to give your mood a boost. Cat comedy is cute an ameowzing, and honestly exactly what we need right now. So go ahead and scroll through this collection of feline funnies, to a guaranteed pawsitive meowrvelous mood boosting expurrience.
Go, noonoo, go! Spring that spring, you're so cute. Strut your furrbulous feline self and show off your spring. You go girl!
We know the feeling. In fact, we're writing these very words from our phone because the cats prevent us from getting our of bed. Our legs are numb. Send help.
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