When you're in school, there's usually that one person you just can't get along with. Something about the way they are just rubs you the wrong way, and you can't get over it. There may be a rational reason behind it like they bullied you or your friend. But it could also be completely irrational, and everything they do just finds a way under your skin. It's something most of us have to go through early in life, so we learn to take steps back, have empathy, and realize not everyone has to be our best friend. It's an important lesson to learn.
But what if the person you despise becomes part of your family, and you're forced into each other lives for the next forever? Like the early seasons of Gossip Girl when Serena and Chuck become step-siblings? What happens then? That's exactly what happened to one family, who learned the hard way that their kids can't get along. Read on for the story.