This is a reminder that not every single minute of your life should be spent being productive. It is okay to take breaks, it is okay to sleep in, and it is okay to shut your brain off for a few minutes and let yourself simply rest. Life is not that serious, and you deserve a break when you need one.
Even if you are at work, and the pressure is getting to you, it is crucial to remember that taking a break is just as important as working, and it is not something anyone should give up on.
The employees in this Reddit story needed to be reminded that their breaks are a mandatory part of their workday after their micromanager decided to reprimand them for taking them. Even though they are doing work that is not part of their job, their manager still doesn't approve of them submitting some tasks late and goes as far as telling them to stop taking breaks if they can't complete their tasks on time. Luckily, these hardworking employees do not intend to listen to their demanding manager.
Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a manager who got in trouble because of his own office rules.
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